Entering US market with 15 key meetings: for CRM system implementation company

2024-03-11 10:53 LinkedIn Appointment Setting Pathfinder CustDev

Introduction to a cross-continental leap

Riberatec, a pioneering force in the digital solution space, faced a monumental challenge: penetrating the U.S. market without any prior sales experience or concrete market insights. Specializing in the nuanced field of CRM system implementation and refinement, Riberatec's journey from uncertainty to strategic triumph showcases the power of innovative market entry strategies, spearheaded by the expertise of Peoplr.

Identifying the challenge: Navigating uncharted waters

Riberatec's aspiration to expand into the U.S. market was met with a series of obstacles. Despite possessing robust hypotheses about the demand for their services, the company was at a crossroads, lacking the essential market access and understanding crucial for a successful entry into the competitive landscape of the United States.

The Peoplr solution: Bridging gaps and building bridges

Peoplr's strategy was twofold: gain in-depth market insights and establish a solid presence for Riberatec in the U.S. This involved a series of calculated steps:
  • Market insight acquisition: Through Customer Development (Customer Development) sessions and dialogues with market experts, potential clients, and partners, we unraveled the market's "wants" and "pains."
  • Strategic partner identification: We emphasized connecting with partners willing to champion Riberatec's offerings in the U.S. market, ensuring a foothold for the company.
  • LinkedIn revamp: Leveraging three LinkedIn accounts, we tailored their presentation to meet U.S. market standards, employing AI-driven scripts for lead engagement.
  • Hypothesis testing & engagement scripts: Aided by AI technologies, we crafted communication scripts and identified key hypotheses for market entry, facilitating effective conversations with potential partners and clients.
  • CustDev technology training: Beyond theoretical strategies, we provided hands-on training in CustDev technology, conducting initial meetings alongside Riberatec to demonstrate practical applications.

The outcome: From hypotheses to market penetration

In just 2.5 months, Peoplr and Riberatec achieved remarkable milestones:
  • Over 15 key meetings: Engaging with vital representatives of the target audience, these interactions provided invaluable insights and opened doors for future collaborations.
  • Hypothesis validation: The strategic encounters not only tested the initial hypotheses but also unveiled new potential partner and client groups for Riberatec.
  • Market insight deep dive: Riberatec gained a profound understanding of the U.S. CRM solution landscape, tailoring their approach to meet the nuanced needs of the market.
  • A commitment to continued growth: Encouraged by the tangible results, Riberatec decided to extend its partnership with Peoplr, now with a laser focus on converting insights into sales with end customers.
This case study is not just a testament to Peoplr's strategic prowess but a beacon for companies seeking to navigate the complexities of international market entry. Together, Peoplr and Riberatec have charted a course for success, proving that with the right partner, the American market is not just a dream, but a tangible reality.