Datasakura, a prestigious full-service game development studio renowned for its contribution to blockbuster games like Cut The Rope, Fruit Ninja, King of Thieves, and Jetpack Joyride, embarked on an ambitious journey to scale its services globally. Specializing in VR/AR on platforms such as Unity and Unreal, alongside expertise in 2D and 3D design and QA testing, Datasakura aimed to broaden its client base across strategic international markets including the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore.
The challenge
Expanding into new territories required Datasakura to navigate unfamiliar markets and cultivate a robust network of potential clients. The studio sought to understand the demand for its services within these diverse regions, taking into account local preferences and business cultures—a task that demanded precise, targeted lead generation strategies and in-depth market analysis.
Peoplr stepped in with a comprehensive approach to tackle Datasakura's expansion challenges head-on. Our strategy encompassed:
Audience analysis: We conducted thorough research to identify the target audience in each of the specified countries, ensuring that our lead generation efforts were directed towards the most relevant prospects.
LinkedIn lead generation: Utilizing LinkedIn, we implemented a series of tailored scripts designed to engage decision-makers directly, sparking interest in Datasakura's offerings.
Customer Development meetings: By arranging online discussions with key company figures, we gained valuable insights into the specific needs and preferences of the target markets.
Data coordination and script launching: Our team worked closely with Datasakura to refine their existing accounts, align data with their strategic goals, and initiate personalized correspondence campaigns.
The results
Our collaborative efforts bore fruit within an impressive six-month timeframe, yielding remarkable outcomes for Datasakura:
Lead Generation: We successfully generated a funnel of approximately 10,000 leads, with over 1,000 engaging in meaningful feedback.
Network expansion: Datasakura's contact network with relevant leads witnessed a tenfold increase, significantly enhancing their market presence.
Strategic Meetings: More than 30 crucial meetings were conducted with decision-makers, paving the way for potential collaborations and contracts.
Market insight: Datasakura acquired invaluable knowledge about each target market, enabling them to tailor their services more effectively to meet local demands.
Summing up thoughts
Peoplr's targeted lead generation and market analysis strategies empowered Datasakura to achieve its goal of international expansion, demonstrating the power of strategic digital marketing and personalized outreach in unlocking new growth avenues.